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School features

  • Kindergarten to middle school, transition to Gymnasium or vocational education

  • All-day school: supervision from 7:00 to 18:00

  • Bilingual (German and English)

  • Denominationally and ideologically neutral

  • Challenging, age-appropriate music and singing lessons integrated into the school timetable

  • Facilitation of learning a musical instrument

  • Close cooperation with the Zurich Boys' Choir (ZSK) and the Zurich Girls' Choir (MCHZ)

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"The innovative approach, the high amount of public benefit, and the good fit into a protected historical monument building has convinced the jury. The offer of both intensive musical and academic support in the same institution has not previously existed in this form in the Zurich area."

–Press release, City of Zurich, 7.9.2015

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